21 Jul 2010

31st August I am an invited speaker at MALLOW 2010

MALLOW is: The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

Details at: http://mallow2010.emse.fr/

Towards a Science of Socially Intelligent ICT- a workshop - 3rd August London

See http://phoenixweb.open.ac.uk/~jeff_johnson/ASSYST_Perada_WS.html

In the programme I think I am:

Title to be announced
Speaker to be announced

but in reality I will talking on  "The Roots of Social Intelligence and their Implications for Socio-Technical Systems"

Ends with a "Champagne Reception"! 

20 Jul 2010

Worrying Rumours from EPSRC

At a meeting of the newly funded "Complexity in the Real World" programme, someone reported from a meeting called by the EPSRC (PIs in charge of major EPSRC grants).  At that meeting it was reported that even under a mild set of 10% cuts to the research council's funding then the council has a choice between rescinding some grants and not funding any new ones (due to existing commitments).

Apparently the council:
  1. along with similar councils refusing to submit a plan for 40% cuts as requested by the government
  2. wants to continue funding new projects and hence may rescind existing grants, via the mechanism of asking recipient institutions to decide on 10% cuts on its EPSRC funded projects (with "ringfencing" for certain areas - doctoral centres, complexity projects etc.)

15 Jul 2010

Samos 2010 Summit on ICT for eGovernance and Policy Modelling

I went to this as a member of the "CROSSROAD Scientfic Committee".  It was basically a networking event with workshops to brainstorm ideas for future EU funding in this area.  Rather pretentiously they issued a communique at the end!

Details at: